Tuesday 29 March 2011

Brisbane Part 1 - Libraries

We went to the Brisbane Library, in search of a place for Monkey to play and chill and for me to find some form of relief from the 37C temperature... aaahhh aircon!!

The children's section was small in comparison to the size of the library but it was wonderful! Very laid back and very in tune with the needs of little children - toys, trains,  interestingly shaped windows to peer through and see the river and the crowds of people, video games and lots of comfy chairs for snuggling up and reading.
Playing in the train at the Brisbane Library.

On Thursday we went to the State Library of Queensland on the Southbank. I struck gold and it was the morning for RhymeTime! After the first decent flat white in daaayyyyss, I braved the crowd and found a lovely space for children. It was designed to be played with, Monkey loved it. The RhymeTime book was free and we were encouraged to take them home to learn the words to all the songs or pop the DVD in and dance and sing along!

Playing in the window "house".

We spent about two hours there and then on the advice of the coordinator headed to the Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA)... More in the next post!

Note: If you are reading this and wondering what there was for adults - there is a HUGE wi-fi enabled lounge with comfy leather chairs and a great cafe with French baristas!

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