Thursday 1 September 2011

It's Ok...

I'm not linking this week but thought I would play along here on my own...

It's OK...

To feel sad about leaving my friends, home and favourite places come Saturday.
To feel excited about the unknown.
To worry about the house even though it is in very safe hands.
To buy whatever we forgot to pack, once we're in Sydney.
To have bored people with my fears and random panic attacks.
To have felt like crying when having to say good bye to Monkey's kindy teachers and friends.
To like the new blogger interface.
To love my crazy friends in the UK and miss them like mad!
To be thinking of Christmas things I want to buy and post over while we are away.
To have laughed at my town's new rugby posts at the rail-station in celebration of the RWC.
To be glad to be out of the craziness that will be the RWC.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I agree with so many of those, esp glad to be out of the madness of RWC, feeling sad at random moments when saying good bye, and I needed reminding that I can buy what we forget too.
    All the best for your move


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