Friday 20 May 2011

Five Friday Favourites at Five

  1. Proud Mummy Moment - being told twice in as many days that Monkey is very bright. Both parties were surprised at his use of language, knowledge of the world and his interest in things. I don't doubt that he is bright, it's just nice to have confirmation that it's ok to be stumped by some of his questions and flabbergasted at the connections he makes between things.
  2. New Favourite Website -
    A website designed and run by the Screen Actors Guild. Famous actors (young and old) reading picture books. Monkey's current must read/watch/listen is The Rainbow Fish.
  3. A new must-read
    The Wind on Fire Trilogy by William Nicholson.
    A great fantasy trilogy. It's got love, evil villians, scary magic, amazing-I-want-that magic and a great flow and speed of narration.
  4. A Favourite Daydream and time-waste
    Working out a way to get my book published.
  5. Best thing I've heard all week -
    My friend Kels using the royal "we" when talking about Monkey's new asthma diagnosis. Which was followed by a "We're all in this together" run through in my head. I am so glad to be part of her village :)

    1 comment:

    1. Liking the sound of that website!

      Go you on the book! Hope your dreams come true x

      Monkey sure is a bright lad. Gorgeous!

      Have a great weekend x


    Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I try to reply to as many as I can either here or by email. <3 LJx