Tuesday 11 January 2011

Smaller - Update 1

Here we are, eleven days into Smaller.

What progress have I made, if any?

I have:

  • Started our four vegetarian mains a week.
  • Cut down to one sugar in my coffees
  • Cut out snacks unless they are fruit or vegetables
  • Eating whole grain bread and toast only
  • Only ordered trim flat whites - if out and about
  • I'm drinking more water 
  • We went for a family bike ride on the weekend
  • Measured and weighed myself (OMFG!!)
  • Tried to do small things every day that make me happy
I think I am doing well. I have really enjoyed the meat free meals, we didn't even miss the meat. I'm still trying to work out my view on seafood... It is a tricky thing as we aren't going vegetarian for the usual reason (animals have faces etc) and neither Stud1 or I can decide...

Let's see how the next two weeks go!


  1. sounds really good :)

    keep it up
    I especially like "Tried to do small things every day that make me happy"

  2. I am very, very proud of you and keep my fingers crossed, and thinking of you every day *hug*


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