Friday 2 December 2011

Five Friday Favourites at Five

In pictures, otherwise, I just won't do it...

 Making gingerbread men at the mall. With the help of Mrs Claus' Elf.

He was so proud of his creation.

Finding out that my camera has a panoramic setting and the view from our balcony.

Random bus trips that take us to Christmas Wonderlands.

Finding an awesome Advent Calendar with 25% off. And Monkey's delight at seeing it in the morning. 
Yes it is only half full but I'll fill from the 17th when we get back to NZ.


  1. I love your photos. Looks like you had a lot of fun!

  2. Obviously Monkey likes Xmas too! Great photos. Thanks for sharing them.

  3. He does look so proud of his gingerbread man. What a cutie!


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