Sunday 23 October 2011

My little marine biologist

Monkey has decided to become a marine biologist... Slightly random for a three year old, but thanks to the Octonauts, he is hooked.

All kitted out in his marine biologist uniform.

His first plan of action to make this a reality, other than just role-playing with his lego, is to learn to swim. With this goal in mind, he has been throwing himself into the pool and drowning swimming to his pool noodles. In four days this has evolved into swimming the width of the pool, coming up for air halfway. There is now method to his flailing and he is outdoing himself!

It is awe inspiring to watch him try his damnedest to get it right. I couldn't be prouder of him.

His second plan is to set up a university fund. All silver coins are now his... They are being saved to pay for his tuition. He keeps talking about how he will learn all about protecting fish and looking after them and he will find new species!

Thirdly he is practising handstands. I'm not entirely sure how it fits into marine biology but it has something to do with being agile and strong.

And he can also define symbiosis and use it in a sentence...

I am one proud mum!


  1. That's so cool! What a clever boy.

  2. Impressive that he's sorte3d out his future at such an early age and is getting into shape! Our girls got into swimming early and it set them up fitness wise right up through high school!

  3. LOL! - I have a book and cassette (a what?) somewhere called "So, you want to become a Marine Biologist". I will find it for you :)

  4. Wow! That is pretty amazing! Mine change their mind all the time about what they want to be when they grow up, but Caitlyn is convinced right now she'll be a hairdresser when she grows up.

  5. That is awesome. You should be proud!


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