Sunday 9 October 2011

Just be enough - a letter to my son.

from Pinterest
 Dearest Monkey,
from Pinterest
This is a hard letter to write. It shouldn't be hard though, it should be easy to tell you that you are enough. Because you are. Even now at three, you are enough. You are enough for me, your dad, our family and friends.
You are enough for the world. Because you are, you.
But there may come a time when you doubt this fact. That is why it is a hard letter to write. I want to know you to know that you are enough always, regardless of what you hear, see, and even, think. I would like you to read this letter and know that you are enough.

Enough in every aspect of your life and in all your relationships.
You know that I am all about choice. That I believe we get to where we are by the choices we are bravest enough to make and the ones we are braver not to make. Every choice that you make will take you in a new direction. Every choice you make is enough to change the course of your life. I want you to know that even if I don't understand the reasons for your choices - I will support your making that choice. 

Behind all the confusion, yelling and the tears will be a mother who is proud of her son's ability make choices that may go against the flow of his environment. A mother who is so proud that you are braver than I ever was. That I am prouder of you than you will ever know.
from Pinterest

from Pinterest
You may doubt your chosen path and that is enough to make a change for the better or reassure you that you are where you are meant to be. You may doubt those of your loved ones. You may doubt many things in your life but please never doubt that you are enough to make the right choice at the right time. That you are enough of a son, friend, man and role-model to have made a difference. 

I love you and that is enough.
I joined up with Just Be Enough... will you?


  1. I love those quotes so very very very much. What a beautiful letter---with such important reminders. Love this! Thank you so much as always--for being such a fabulous JBE community member! truly!

  2. Wonderful letter, I know your son will grow up to be all that and more. Thanks for linking up with JBE!

  3. Ditto all the above! I really like those quotes - they go perfectly with your message to your son. What a perfect perspective to grow up with.

    And again, thanks for linking up with us at JBE!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing this with JBE! What a wonderful perspective for your son to have :)

  5. What a wonderful letter and perspective to have! I think every child ultimately just wants to know that their parents approve of their life choices that they believe, if no one else does, that they are enough.

  6. That's a great letter. Knowing from the very begining that you will support him will give him a strong foundation.

  7. This was such beautiful letter to your son and the quotes are amazing and so inspiring. This is my first time ever seeing "sometimes the wrong choices lead you to the right places" but how true is that! Love love that!

  8. Whoosh! Powerful! I saw this challenge come up and thought it would be a very good exercise to write a letter like this - but so hard to do it well. You've done it brilliantly and I so agree with everything you've written so powerfully. x

  9. I love your words- the ones that you wrote, and the ones that you chose. The courage one? Really struck me. This is beautiful.


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