Friday 9 September 2011

Five Friday Favourites at Five

  1. Lego – Monkey loves it. I am so glad we bought some on our first day here. It has really made up for the lack of his trains, pirate ship and other favourites. It also seems cheaper here than it does at home.

  2. Dymocks Books – We went to a story time there and won two books. It was even more special that the lady who read the stories remembered Monkey's name when we went in to collect the books. Three days later!
  3. Three Beans – Coffee, Vanilla, Mung. Awesome coffee and after day 2 of buying coffee from them at 6:30am they knew the order :)
  4. Funky old Asian ladies who always greet us like we are long lost family.
  5. The lady at the community play group (no vacancies :( ) who seemed to think I was too young to have Monkey. She made my day! It would appear that I look like I am an au pair as opposed to a 30-something mum!

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