Friday 2 September 2011

Five Friday Favourites at Five - Wellington

As I am saying goodbye to my favourite part of the world for the next few months, I thought I should dedicate this Friday's favourites to the Wellington Region!

Five reasons to love Wellington New Zealand!

It is beautiful. Every time I drive in from the Valley, I smile! It's truly gorgeous.

Isn't it a beautiful city? Image from Absolutely Positively Wellington
It's known as the coolest little capital in the world. The whole CBD is with a 2km area and is easily walkable. I love it!
The coffee culture which is legendary. It truly is my spiritual home!

It's home to many of my favourite places. Te Papa, Scorching Bay, Island Bay, Botanical Gardens etc etc... 

It's the region we chose to start a family because it felt like home. The minute we saw the city as we came across the Cook Strait we knew it was home.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your last few months. I will enjoying looking at the pictures and learning about the places.


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