Wednesday 5 October 2011

Monkey's first interview

I have been challenged by Broot over at Craving a Little Perspective to tackle a meme...

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to grab a kid or two, and ask them the following questions.

Kids with budding language skills
What’s your favorite color? (you can even ask them to point at picture cards)
Who is the best — Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck?
What’s your favorite TV show?
What’s your favorite food for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry? Which is the best ice cream?
What is your favorite toy?

More developed talkers
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Favorite holiday? What makes it best?
If you could live anywhere, where would move?
Who is your best friend? What do you like about him/her?
What toy would you buy for your best friend’s birthday?
What do you want for your own birthday?
What family rule do you think is the most unfair? Why?

Once you’ve got your children to answer the questions, tag 7 bloggers to do the same. Or not.

I accept!

Monkey's first interview:

What’s your favorite color? White

Who is the best
— Donald Duck because he's white.

What’s your favorite TV show? Blues Clues and The Octonauts
What’s your favorite food for breakfast? Weetbix 
Lunch? Sushi 
Dinner? Noodles and Sauce.

Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?

Which is the best ice cream? Chocolate
What is your favorite toy? Lego

What do you want to do when you grow up? Explore the deep sea. Or become a ambulanceman (paramedic)

If you could live anywhere, where would you move?
In a hotel (LOL)

What do you want for your birthday?
more LEGO

I challenge without too much pressure:
And you...
And you...


  1. I accept your challenge :-). I will interview mine and put this as a blog entry tomorrow :-)

  2. Oh well done! I suspect I will get a lot of Lego answers from The Boy when it's his turn!!

  3. Haha! Great answers! I might have to try this on my little monkey, who's coming up 3 years old in a couple of weeks.

  4. Okay, I am going to have to ask my kids these questions. Thanks for the challenge. :)

  5. Exploring the deep sea is a fabulous life plan, I'm envious!

  6. Your kiddo and my kiddo are both going to be sea explorers! Super cute!

  7. I happen to know a very trusty and reliable deep blue sea explorer that could teach Monkey to dive once he's old enough :)

    Also have you been to the Bait House?
    Worth a Sunday outing :)

  8. Ooh look! Tagged! Thanks Cyndi - looking forward to doing this when the little Minx is around :)


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