Sunday 28 November 2010

PND and strangers...

I met someone the other day who seemed to be in the throes of "fake it 'till you make it" as you so eloquently put it. She was smiling and talking about how well things were going but her eyes kept filling with tears. I remember something similar happening to me when I had PND... but it was the first time we'd met so I told myself to mind my own business. How do you even broach the subject with a relative stranger?
          Thanks T for bringing this up.

My take would be one of the following.

  • An admission of how hard I found it... Without using the words "you're so lucky" so that there is the opportunity to for her to add how she is feeling.
  • A straight out "Are you sure you're ok?"
  • Or an anecdotal conversation about a friend with PND
Not sure if any of these are helpful but I think this is what I would do. Any other ideas?

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