Friday 27 July 2012

Friday's Favourites - The Sisterhood Edition (Edited)

Source: via Wendy on Pinterest

In case you've missed The Sisterhood's progress, it has been in three newspapers, in a magazine, on ZM, on many FB pages and blogs and even Close Up has been in touch!! The idea has gone global and there is interest in Australia, India and South Africa to start their own chapters.

This round of LoveBombing has gone out to fourteen women and one little girl, and I  can't be prouder of the 492 supporters on Facebook and the many more on email and blogs....

Today I would like to highlight the companies who have helped spoil and treat our ladies. For the companies that have Facebook pages, I used that link, if you are moved to thank them for joining in, pop on over and leave them a thank you!

So to
A huge, heartfelt thank you. Thank you for taking note of a cheeky email, random drop in or other small way of asking for help with this round of love bombs!

If I have missed any of the bigger companies, please let me know so that I can thank them. The smaller businesses will be highlighted over the weekend. 

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I try to reply to as many as I can either here or by email. <3 LJx