Friday 1 June 2012

Five Friday Favourites at Five.

Leading up to a long weekend! Have a great one!
  • Baking for Bake the Blues Away - really lifted my mood and I had a great morning baking without a little helper. I'd post the photos but they look terrible!

  • Samoan Language Week at Kindergarten. I think I learnt more than Monkey did. I especially loved that they made traditional food for the kids and Monkey tried "Samoan Sushi" which is really called Oka.

  • Having a skype conversation with Uncle R-S, Aunty Cheers, Uncle L-S and Nyamanyama and Gramps although I do wish we could all be in France with them.
    My in-laws backyard in the Dordogne region of France.

  • Celebrating the Queen's Jubilee, I may not be a royalist but I have to respect a woman who has managed to avoid too much scandal whilst being in such a spotlight. I also think she seems like she might be a really lovely old lady when she's "off-duty".
  • A letter to Ryan Gosling begging him to not, um, be, um, him.


  1. Laughing at the letter. My friend just sent me a pxt of her daughter dressed up for Samoan independence day :) have an awesome long weekend!

  2. I always wonder what it must be like around the dinner table with the Queen :-). Have always been fascinated.

  3. Fabulous! Totally agree about the Queen - amazing to reign for so many years with so little scandal - I also reckon she'd be a hoot at the dinner table and be full of surprises!!

    Envious of that backyard in France... phewie! It really is about time someone invented some 'Star Trek' type instant travel - for free!!

    Impressed with your skills in the kitchen and, oh wow, just read that letter... oh yes, yes, yes!


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I try to reply to as many as I can either here or by email. <3 LJx