Sunday 27 May 2012

Lyrical Sunday - Purpose.

Lacking Purpose.

Adrift, in a sea of circumstance, she sailed solo,
Alone, caught in the current, she could not see the shore.
Amidst the flotsam of frustration and fear, she huddled
Against the bitter wind and salt rain, jettisoning dreams
And hope, headed into the whirlpool of worry and woe.
Aimless, alone, caught in the narrowing noose of nothingness.
All ability and aptitude to adjust, to move mountains,
all her - all derelict,
Lost in the current.

© 2012 Latte Junkie


  1. Phew! Powerful my friend! I felt like I was cast adrift and feeling, smelling everything you so powerfully described. This touched me deeply. You are so brilliant at writing!

  2. Here's mine x

  3. Powerful writing! You are really talented!

  4. Wow, I'm so glad I went back to all the posts I have missed over the last couple of days, your writing is amazing!

  5. I echo what everyone else has said. The passion you have with writing is evidenced by your wonderfully lyrical pieces.

    Here is my whimsical post that I put up for Lyrical Sunday.


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I try to reply to as many as I can either here or by email. <3 LJx