Tuesday 24 April 2012

When funny isn't funny at all.

I love the song "We are young" by Fun. LOVE IT. When I hear it I sing it loud and proud. Loud enough to get odd looks at the lights. Although that maybe due to the fact that I can't sing (or talk) without using my hands.

Then I watched this. And cried. Actual tears. I'm not sure why, the original isn't the most positive of songs. But the melody is good and it's catchy, but the parody? The parody is plain depressing and I can't see the funny side until the last few seconds.

So am I just having an almost mid-30s crisis? Am I over-empathising with people my age who are stuck in dead end jobs? Or is it truly depressing and I am not the only one not laughing at this?


  1. Yes, it is a little sad. Kind of feels a bit like my life at times - "achieved nothing"

    1. Lea, you have achieved plenty. You have made it through a move across the world. You have gotten your mum over here (soon) and most importantly you have made it through your daughter's cancer. You did it with both girls coming out the other end loved and treasured.

      I think you have achieved plenty!

  2. OK, NO, that ain't funny - not in the slightest. If someone showed me this and laughed their arse off through it I'd disown that person. It's sad, and it's tapping in to all the crevices of mixed emotions people feel when life is spiralling and hasn't quite work out the way it was intended. I can imagine it would send a lot of people over the edge...

    1. That's pretty much the same feel I got from it too, I'm all for parodies but this one just wasn't funny. It wasn't even uncomfortable funny.

      Although I had to smile slightly at the "start a blog" bit but only cos I started mine the year I turned 31 :P

  3. Not really funny, wouldn't call it a parody, but also... hmm... well - it's true, actually. That's how we all feel more or less at times, about different aspects of our lives. Takes a courage to admit that, but YES, we do.


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