Monday 13 February 2012

Rambling about the past week.

When I was younger, I always wondered if life would be different better if we all just lived in a soap opera. This past week has proven to me that real life has a way of timing things that no script writer could ever pull off.

At the beginning of the week:
  • I was missing Uncle R-S. Still do.
  • I had no contact with my half-siblings. I do now. And I have absolutely no fucking idea on how to process it nor seeing the photos of my father's funeral.
  • I didn't know that another friend was to be affected by cancer.
  • I didn't know that another friend would know (again) how it felt to be so far from home at a terrible time.
  • I didn't know the power of hope. And the pain it can cause to keep that little flame burning.
  • I didn't know the true power of an opinion expressed by some one else at the right moment.
  • I didn't know the healing power of tiramisu, iced coffee and a girly chat.
  • I didn't know how supportive my in-laws could be.
  • I had no idea how it would end!
  • I had no idea how true this (picture below) was and how lucky I am!


  1. Majorly HUGE hugs! What a tsunami of happenings in one week! If I lived closer I would have been round like a shot with a bottle of something to share xxx

  2. What a week! Thinking of you - and sorry the week hasn't been such a positive one. Sending mega blog love your way xxx

  3. It seems you had a really challenging week! I just wanted to come and give you some vitual "hugs"!


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