Friday 25 November 2011

Five Friday Favourites at Five

That time of the week again where I look at things that I have seen, read or done that I have enjoyed/loved... It's a hard one this week. It's been raining all week. Yes, it does in fact rain in Sydney. 
Monkey standing on the edge of the waterfall enjoying the rain :D

  • This morning after playing in the park in the rain, Monkey and I discovered a cafe that had Middle Eastern Yum Cha for lunch. I decided that we deserved a little treat and something different for having made it through the week with out killing each other. So Monkey ate his body weight in hummus and pita bread while I enjoyed harissa sauce and dolmades, falafel and tahini and some thing else that I could even begin to describe but it tasted good. And I like to think it was pretty healthy.
  • Finding and snapping up two sets of these spoons that hang over jars (or coffee cups) at the coolly weird Japanese $2 shop. I am seriously addicted to buying things there. Fingers crossed they get their sushi moulds back in before we leave!
  • Being able to buy a certain friend (or two) secret presents and have them have no idea it's from me.
  • The salad I made this week that was met with delight from both boys...
    Beetroot, roasted pumpkin, feta cheese and mesclun with finely sliced carne asada steak. It was so good that I forgot to take a photo.
  • Finding the skate park abandoned this morning - who knew teenagers were afraid of rain... Monkey had the best time making up games involving the ramps. If only I had thought to buy a ball...

    (apologies if there are any swear words in the graffiti - I looked but couldn't see any :) )


  1. Well done on finding some things to like/love this week :) I've had one of those up and down weeks too and yes, the weather was one of the influencing factors. Hope your weekend is a good one x

  2. Oh wow, sounds like a really good time! I like to take the kids to the skate park when there are no big kids!

  3. You and Monkey obviously had a good time despite the rain. The food sounds yum!

  4. Want those spoons!! Yay for playing in the rain! Must take a ball next time! :)


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