Thursday 7 April 2011

Overheard in the changing rooms...

Yesterday was not the best of days in the Latte-loving household. As I put on the only pair of jeans that still looks decent when on. I heard an odd sound and ended up holding the zip pull thingy in one hand as the jeans slipped to the floor. As I quickly edited my language and ensuring that Monkey doesn't add the F-bomb to his repertoire of inappropriate words, it hit me. I. Had. To. Buy. New. Jeans.

The quake you felt was not my jumping for joy, it was my stamping feet. I hate shopping for jeans! But needs must...

Armed with crayons, notebook, toy car and crackers to entertain Monkey, accompanied by the promise of a fluffy and savoury if he behaved through the three clothing shops in our mall, we headed out. Yes, you read right - three shops - now you're understanding why I was so excited to go to Brisbane...

But I digress, as I was trying on the 7th pair of jeans that ultimately didn't fit or would only look good if I were wearing a dress over the top, Monkey was being a monkey. At the top of his voice, he says

"Oh Mummy, Daddy was right! You do have a bottom! And it is squishy!" - read it out loud with a joyful three year old tone.

We left as soon as I could peel the jeans off my thighs, ignoring the fact that they were one size bigger than I usually wear.

In the next shop it was -

"It's OK Mummy, you don't need to do the button up, your knickers look pretty like that"

At this stage I needed a vodka and OJ coffee! After a little break and a discussion about appropriate cubicle conversations and using our inside voice we headed to the last shop.

I struck gold, two pairs of jeans for $30 from the clearance rack. Both from non-plus size ranges! WIN!!

Although I still wonder why the legs of jeans are so long - I am of average height and the waist of the jeans should be just above my boobs if the hem is to rest on the floor!

Hence today will be spent finding someone to alter the jeans!


  1. Too funny! You are brave to go shopping with the tot. The other day when I picked the tot up from PreK, he ran to me, put his face in my stomach and said LOUDLY "Mama, I LOVE your squishy belly!"

  2. Killing myself laughing at the changing room conversation!

    I remember when Belle was very little, one day when I was getting in the bath she grabbed me by the thighs and shook them while singing "jelly wobble! jelly wobble!".

    Good thing I love the little critter or she'd have been a goner.

  3. The other night in the bath he sang "Wibble wobble jelly on a plate" while poking my tummy. But he told me that mummy's should be squishy so they're comfy to cuddle!!


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