Sunday 6 February 2011

Lyrical Sunday Week 6 Birds

Here is our weekly offering of poems for Lyrical Sunday over at Catching The Magic.

A Bird's eye view

Somewhere in the air above
where tree tops touch the sky,
there lies a blue and peaceful place
reserved for those that fly.

Soaring wings float on the winds
that blow in crisp fresh air.
Flying high above the earth
it blows away the care.

People scurry far below,
obsessed with daily life.
Charge about their business
filled with daily strife.

They look upon our mortal toil
and laugh without a sound.
Sometimes views from high above
keep feet upon the ground.

by Stud1

Feather Light

Image - D Sharon Pruitt

By LJ.


  1. Oh, wow, both so beautiful and evocative! You are both so talented. I look forward to your poems every week. Thank you so much x

  2. "Ive never seen an overweight bird"

    "Ive never known another sight
    As watching a bird in flight
    that conjures up feelings in me
    of awkwardness and inadaquacy

    All legs and toes, elbows and things
    Forget squidgy arms
    I want wings.

    For, flying wistfully through the skies
    Is far more appealing than my moving thighs


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I try to reply to as many as I can either here or by email. <3 LJx