Friday 5 October 2012

Five Things I (have just) Realised...

  1. The weather affects me, today my moods are cycling rapidly. The weather hasn't made up its mind yet and is going from doom and gloom to sun. As am I...
  2. I need to be around positive people. I need positivity in my life. I thrive when I'm with people who are up.
  3. I need to write daily. Daily. And Twitter and FB don't count.
  4. Music is important in my life, it went out the window when I was in the Twilight Zone, but now it's back. I can hear the sadness and hope without drowning in the emotions.
  5. It's been too long since I have been reckless and stupid. That should be scheduled before I completely give up and become an adult.


  1. Woah. Are you and I the same person?

  2. Was thinking the same as cafe chick. This would be very similar to a list I would write.


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