Friday 8 April 2011

Friday's five favourites at five.

The Murgh Makhani was so good!
Impromptu lunches with friends. And restaurants who don't bat an eyelid at three mums and five under three's!

Stud1 for letting me have a lie-in this morning - trying to get rid of a cold before Monkey's birthday on Sunday.

Finding a new recipe for hamburgers, especially one with mozzarella in the middle and a side recipe for parmesan and bacon wedges. Recipe at Kayotic Kitchen

Sympathetic comments after my Changing Room incidents - Thank you Smartbear and Intermittent!

This video from TED that Stud1 showed me this morning. It shows some amazing results from using Youtube and modern technology to create something of beauty. I admit that I cried at the end.

    1 comment:

    1. 5 under three...that would make for a fun packed lunch :D Yay for Stud1 letting you lie-in, little gestures like that are so wonderful! Hope you and monkey have a fantastic birthday party on the weekend! Looking forward to some pics!


    Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I try to reply to as many as I can either here or by email. <3 LJx