Thursday 23 February 2012

I'm still here...

Well, hopefully you haven't been chased away by the tumble-weeds. Thanks for hanging around...

I'm still here and things are feeling much better. I am more grounded. Personal "stuffs" have been sorted out and I am feeling, dare I say it, h.a.p.p.y.  I think spelling it out is safer, you know what it's like saying something and having it not be true as soon as you say it!? (that punctuation mark is called an interrobang, just so you know) 

I have been taking photos though so here are a few randoms from the last week or two.

Monkey playing in the Boulcott St Cemetery.  (As you do...)

Cheeky face and crayons behind his ears... A budding artist.
 And my favourite find of the week - Coffee and poetry in a can! Bought at an Asian Food Market.


  1. I'm glad things are going a bit better. Sometimes you just need a bit of time out!

  2. HUGS & love the pic of your Monkey and that coffee/poetry in a can!! x


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